Fireball Game

[Página em Português]

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Fireball is a free (GPL) single player game that uses ClanLib, a free multi platform C++ game SDK. It is a tank shooter 2D game.

The player is a battle tank with the objective of destroying the meteors that are falling before they destroy the tank. Each destroyed meteor means a higher score.

The game is divided in 10 levels in which the speed and the quantity of the meteors falling will increase.


The main reason for creating this game is to accomplish an assignment in a postgraduation program of the Computer Science Department of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa in Brazil.

This is just my first open source project and my objective was to get started with ClanLib and C++. I hope this project will be useful for beginners to understand how that library works and to get started with some classes of it.

Technical Information

Developed under Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, using ClanLib 0.7.

It has been compiled only in Windows based machines so far, but since ClanLib is a multi platform game SDK, I don't expect problems to compile it under other OS.

Another important aspect of the game is that it uses the principles of the Object Oriented Programming.

Major Features

In order to use as many ClanLib classes as possible, I have included the features below:

  • Graphical Interface;

  • Sound;

  • Menu;

  • Mouse and Keyboard event handling;

  • Meteor animation (rotation, speed, angle);

  • C++ lists;

  • OO programming.



You may download both the binaries and the source code clicking on the links below.
You’ll need Clanlib installed to compile the game.
ClanLib Instalation Procedure for MSVC 6.0 (in portuguese)
Postgraduation Monograph (in portuguese)


Contacts may be done using the email address below:

Ricardo Coelho

[ Description | Objective | Technical Info | Major Features | Screenshots | Downloads | Contact | SF ]

Published on October, 2004

Updated on April, 2005

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